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更新时间:2023-05-29 12:41 > 来源:98作文网  英语作文素材

文章摘要:Father said, however, some heavy, also some silent, heavy because he put all love to us, because he doesn't know how to express their silence。Face the love, we also want to silence of the bear, under a mountain of the father loves the。In my life, a mother's love is important, for the father loves the are also important, he familiar face and voice, have been silent with I grow up。

Father said, however, some heavy, also some silent, heavy because he put all love to us, because he doesn't know how to express their silence. Face the love, we also want to silence of the bear, under a mountain of the father loves the......

In my life, a mother's love is important, for the father loves the are also important, he familiar face and voice, have been silent with I grow up.

Father is like this, there are always too many unutterable love, have been yi in the heart, and come out...... in warm For the father loves the hills, always have so many heavy love, but the love of silence secretly to you, don't leave any trace.

编辑:吕文艺   查看:26094   转载请注明出处,父爱伴随我成长_2012年江苏高考英语作文辅导网址:https://www.98zw.com/zwsc/25428.html